2022 Municipal Elections
Candidate Statements
First and foremost, I am running to protect, defend and honor our Canadian charter of rights. Many of these rights have been infringed upon these last few years and even though some are being rectified, I vow not to let government overreach jeopardise our fundamental rights and freedoms for any reason, since they are what makes us Canadian citizens.
I will continue to update & upgrade our infrastructure (roads, sewers, hospitals, schools) as well as provide the people of Windsor Ontario the resources to succeed. I would like to introduce new traffic calming measures in troubled areas as well as revamping our education, healthcare and transit systems.
Saving our senior citizens who occupy long-term care facilities is a top priority, along with saving our neglected historic landmarks. I would also like to provide the necessary tools to address our housing crisis, mental health, drug addiction and downtown core safety issues.
I plan to work diligently with our city councillors to acknowledge address the problems that their wards face and come up with solutions to rectify said problems. With a lot of hard work, compromise and teamwork, together we can build a city for all to enjoy.
Aaron Day
2022 Windsor mayoral candidate
"On vote DAY, vote DAY"
Today, I am more optimistic than ever for our city’s future. We have built a solid foundation by putting residents first. Windsor is now a city on the move because of strategic decisions we made together. Our record investments in roads and sewers, parks and amenities, transit, active transportation, and safety and security have provided for progress and improvements in your quality of life. We did all this while managing your tax dollars sensibly. My record speaks for itself.
Our economic success, financial discipline and sound investments now allow us to plan for our future. We can and must be bold in our approach! Together, with confidence, we can aspire to build a Windsor to be proud of without being risky.
To get there, it will take Leadership that Delivers!
Great cities are built with a clear vision, hard work, perseverance, and community effort. My proven plan to Create More Jobs, Build Up Our Neighbourhoods, Make Life Affordable, Build the New Hospital and Make Our Streets Safe will keep building on our progress for today and Windsor’s future generations.
On October 24, the choice is clear. We can stay on the right track with leadership that delivers results or experiment with risky policies, raise taxes, and jeopardize Windsor’s achievements. I ask for your vote to keep Windsor moving forward with Leadership that Delivers.
Throughout my last two terms as a City Councillor, I’ve had the opportunity to see that the issues that matter to residents are not unique to a particular area. Quality of life as the foundation of our strategic decision-making matters to residents in every part of our city. People in Windsor, regardless of what neighbourhood they call home, embrace and support the ideals I have been championing around the council table. We all deserve clean and safe neighbourhoods; easy and quick access to the amenities that fulfill our daily needs; and safe, efficient, and affordable public and active transportation options so we can participate in society. We all deserve high quality city services delivered seamlessly and affordably to our homes and a roof over our heads that leaves us with enough money to enjoy the good things in life, including reaping the rewards of investing in, and supporting, arts and culture. We all deserve to be engaged respectfully and meaningfully by our city government and to be valued players in Windsor’s bright future. This is a watershed moment, the decisions and investments we make now will define the community we become. It's time to elect a leader with a complete grasp of how to build a resilient and sustainable city.
I have 18 years of experience in the public, private and not-for-profit sectors and in a variety of positions including manager, director, and supervisor of operations.
I am committed to making several improvements as mayor, including:
- Keeping our current hospitals open in addition to opening the new mega hospital. The mega hospital will experience overloaded service, lengthy wait times and accessibility issues if other hospitals are closed.
- Providing city programs for disabled children including children with autism. The Ontario Autism Program waitlist is several years long. With a rate of 1 in 50 children having autism, the demand for service is not being met.
- Ending mandatory Covid 19 vaccine policies for city service workers since it may result in adverse events for some. The Public Health Agency of Canada now funds the Vaccine Injury Support Program.
- Making a museum that highlights Windsor’s rich history and automotive sector.
- Allowing the new Ambassador Bridge to be constructed along with the Gordie Howe Bridge to allow more entry and exit points.
- Develop near the Gordie Howe Bridge so that drivers entering Canada are motivated to visit Windsor.
Please visit my campaign website at www.matthewformayor.ca for the full platform.
Hello, please visit www.votefredfrancis.ca to learn more about my platform below:
- Continue to Hold the Line on Taxes
- More Job Creation and Further Economic Diversification
- Increased Investment in Ward 1 Neighbourhoods to Improve Our Quality of Life
- Greater Safety Initiatives in Ward 1 Neighbourhoods
- Keep Windsor Moving Forward
My plan is proven and has provided real results in Ward 1 and throughout the City of Windsor. As your city councillor, I work hard to deliver increased investment to our neighbourhoods, advocate for financial responsibility when it comes to your tax dollars, and do what it takes to create more jobs, like we did with the NextStar Energy EV Battery Plant. I’ll continue to provide strong, trusted leadership if re-elected, and I’ll always stand on your side.
Windsor in on the right track and we will continue to build our city with new amenities and modern infrastructure. We will continue to safeguard our streets and invest in our neighbourhoods. The work has already started, so let’s continue moving forward.
Thank you, and I hope I can count on your support on Election Day, October 24th.
This election is important. Windsor is changing. The way we build our city to ensure safe neighbourhoods and quality of life will be critical. We need councillors at the table with the education and experience to move us forward. Knocking on doors, I have heard that that traffic calming, improving our local infrastructure, increased lighting, crime prevention, revitalizing our downtown core, improving our local health care system and dealing with homelessness are all important. My platform is focused on how we tackle these issues without hitting people in the pocketbook. We can do this by better prioritizing the way we spend our tax dollars, improving the way set our budgets in line with best practices and modernizing systems and processes at City Hall to ensure all our services are efficient and affordable. I have the experience and the know-how to be a strong voice on these issues at the council table.
Dear friends, I am seeking re-election to City Council for Ward 2 to continue being your strong voice at City Hall and I am asking for your vote on October 24th. I am running for re-election because we have come so far together in these past 4 years, but there is still so much more to do.
In these past 4 years alone we have seen significant and unprecedented investment and progress on the West Side as it relates to safer and cleaner neighbourhoods, parks and recreation investments, infrastructure and development and community initiatives.
These are just some of the highlights of the past 4 years and it is critical that we have a strong and consistent voice at the table to see these projects through, while fighting for the issues that matter to you. Issues such as social and affordable housing, economic development and job creation, community safety and well-being, and building more resilient and livable neighbourhoods.
We have come too far as a community to go back now. On October 24th, I ask for your support in continuing to build on our progress as we move forward together.
The project I'm presenting to the constituency is unconventional. It's based on a movement called Municipalism. In a nutshell, it aims at creating direct democracy structures and lateral communication channels to let the residents guide the decision-making in the ward.
This being said, I cannot provide you with an economic platform as this should be decided by the constituency. However, in most municipalist iterations, there is a strong understanding that a resilient community stands on two legs: a political one and an economical one. To that effect, the solidarity economy is often promoted as the touchstone of a resilient community. Solidarity economy is broadly understood as an economy that takes into account social benefits before financial profits. It's an economy that is anchored in locality, equity and cooperation to reach sustainability. In short, when applied to the private-for-profit sector, it's about supporting local small and medium size businesses to enhance the role they play in their communities and prevent the leaching of profits out of the community. Also, as a solidarity economy aims also at environmental sustainability, it will often include elements of circular economy.
I was born and raised in Ward 2 and have spent most of my life here and I am still a proud resident.
I am very familiar with the challenges within the Ward.
There are a number of concerns and prominent issues we face in Ward 2 and the greater Windsor area.
My election platform consists of the following;
- The blight of boarded up houses in the west end
- Cracking down on absentee landlords
- Keeping our riverfront free and clear
- Holding the line on taxes (ensuring that the mill rate is decreased)
- Uploading the Expressway back to the Province or alternatively uploading the responsibility to the County of Essex.
Improving Transit Windsor to accommodate and east/west run along the Expressway to facilitate workers that will be travelling to and from the new EV Plant. This needs to be a dedicated bus line that will connect from the west (LaSalle) to the east (Lakeshore) with stops along the way.
Our job as councillors is, first and foremost, to be prudent stewards of the money our employers- the taxpayers, through their assessments and fees- entrust with us. It is a heavy and often challenging responsibility that requires regular consultations with property owners and other stakeholders because the needs of the community at large must be balanced with the facilitation and protection of private market investments into our communities.
Too often, this neglect of balance has led to tragedies including downgraded infrastructure, removals of local community pools, a downtown that attracts more problems than confidence, and the insistence by Windsor government on ignoring today's necessary fixes while promoting solutions for tomorrow's imagined difficulties.
A comprehensive approach that focuses on immediate resolutions is what our employers, young people, and tourists expect. We as councillors can't keep letting them down with word salads that keep boarded-up homes as eyesores, small-and-medium entrepreneurs wary to invest or remain, and squandering opportunities with our American friends.
This election, vote for councillors who will earn your trust quickly- by getting the results you need- as your partners.
Ward 3 is faced with an unprecedented crisis of crime and anti-social behaviour. Safety is critical if we are to make downtown appealing. We must take back our streets while helping those who legitimately need help.
Previous policies have not been effective in making downtown safe. We need change.
My plan includes enhanced policing, collaboration, helping those needing assistance while not enabling those who commit crimes, and discouraging anti-social behaviour.
A revitalization policy is needed to ignite an upward spiral of public optimism, confidence, and investment which will lead to the vibrancy essential for our core.
My plan includes repurposing Festival Plaza to maximize its potential and bring a Bright Lights type project downtown.
Bring Back Business & Residents Downtown
We have seen a deterioration of our downtown and we need bold strategies to invigorate our city's core as a place where businesses want to locate and people want to live.
My plan includes addressing boarded up storefronts, retention and recruitment of business, and incentives for attracting residents downtown.
We need policies to address homes being converted to multi-student housing. These issues include safety for the students as well as impact on the residential nature of neighbourhoods.
For a more detailed description of my Platform, please visit: www.voteAGOSTINOward3.COM.
At the centre of my mission, is the idea of working for the residents of Ward 3. The homelessness crisis is a serious issue that must be addressed, in four years homelessness has risen by 27% in the City of Windsor. This is my top-priority, to make downtown and ward 3 habitable for its residents. The waiting list for affordable housing has grown by 62%. Even those who are able to find homes find themselves at the whims of outside investors who refuse to keep their properties up to code and care for their tenants in a way that is humane and fair. We need to begin to spend city funds wisely, we need to work on fixing our roads, and cleaning up our streets. It is a necessity that we revisit the location of the safe injection site in downtown, we need to develop a real cure for these problems. I pledge to do all the work necessary to make sure that the residents of Ward 3 are taken care of and have their voices heard. People are sick of the status-quo and are ready to see meaningful change, with your support I can be your voice for change.
I am very interested in urgently needed transit service, affordable housing, the new hospital at another site than current plan, safer streets and neighborhoods, food plans for needy schools. I want accountability and transparency from city hall.
I am running on three issues.
First, I am totally against the Mega Hospital.
Two billion dollars to build a hospital, knock down two functioning hospitals, with little or no capacity or equipment improvements?
Far from Windsor's centre of population?
A Mega Waste!
I suggest adding an annex to the Met.
Cut the parking lot in half.
On one half add parking levels.
On the other, build a 10 or 15 story annex.
Add capacity, medical and diagnostic equipment.
Maybe later a smaller hospital could be built across from the airport.
Second, the homeless.
I suggest building homeless hubs from retrofitted shipping containers on vacant land.
Self contained units. Fast and cheap.
This would need to be supported by mental health and substance abuse counseling.
Finally, stop the waste. The proposed hospital, aquatic centre, the library debacle, etc.
Stop the monkey business.
Please look at my website www.nickforwindsor.ca
Hello, my name is Brian Yeomans, and I am running to be your next Ward 3 Councillor. I believe that a city's strength begins in its core. We need to focus our energy on urban density, to bring more residents to the core, and from there see an increase in our retail footprint.
We need to eliminate flooding by working on improving our sewer infrastructure.
I live and work downtown and have been the Chair of the Downtown Windsor Business Improvement Association, so I am uniquely qualified to speak to some of the challenges that face our area. We have seen over the past three years, an increased number of people battling homelessness, mental health and drug issues. We need to advocate for more provincial funding for rehabilitation beds, nurses and resources.
In addition, calm traffic to make our streets safer for cyclists and residents. We also need to improve transit and focus on better routes and schedules.
These are my beliefs and values, and I am confident that this platform will create a stronger city core.
Hello, I am running for City Council of Ward 3 downtown City Centre Municipal Elections on October 24,2022. I have been eating local such as Helinic , Chapter Two Brewery,Tim Hortons on Wyandotte and Crawford, MJs Pizza around the corner from my room I rent, for 550.00. I have also ate locally at Flying Tigger and The Bristo at the River I love the Salmon fillet! At Staffus Greek Grill and Kerlerley's.the new Aribic restaurant on University Ave, West. I live on Oak, like the tree.Syring roots and free!
I have extensive experiences that relate to all the people and aspirations of our wonderful city.
Community leader, charity foundation founder, Director at regional hospital, Chief Operating Officer of a technology company, university professor.
I have a great love of the city and our people, and I have the time to commit to being a voice for our citizens and for rebuilding the city so we can all be proud.
My top issues are (not in order of importance):
- Leadership and accessibility of our leaders
- Improved safety
- Fight for our small businesses
- Improved roads and civic infrastructure
- Affordable housing
- Be a voice and strong advocate for our disadvantaged and neglected citizens
- Homelessness, drug use and mental health
- Better opportunities for our youth
- Restoring and improving our neighborhood facilities and resources
Thank You!
Please find more at www.kennedyforward3.ca and follow us at Twitter @KennedyForWard3 and FB @VoteKennedyForWard3
My Name is Gregory Heil. I am a retired architect living in my Old Walkerville coach house for almost 40 years.
It strikes me that Windsorites pay among the highest municipal taxes in the province and much higher than the suburban jurisdictions. Unlike my opponents, I offer few new spending priorities. Just in the past term, the current Council has dipped into vast and excessive capital reserves for an array of frivolous projects (trolley pavilion, Adie Knox “reimagining”, abandonment of C. Clark skating rink and Peace Fountain for new, relocation of Sandpoint Beach). Under slogan: ‘BACK TO BASICS AT CITY HALL’, I would seek to reign in such superfluous spending and certainly resist the current Mayor’s likely $50+ million new main library initiative.
Further, I regret that city taxpayers must pay for central services/infrastructure (like the EC Row Expressway) and sponsor such initiatives as the new battery plant land assembly and mega-hospital servicing without suburban participation but to the benefit of all. I believe it’s time to start an earnest conversation about establishing two-tier regional government where costs and revenues are more equitably shared between the city and suburbs and common services such as police, fire and transit are regionalized
I have a track record of Proven Policy Success, with 12 years as Policy Assistant to Mayor Mike Hurst and eight years at the Windsor-Essex Regional Chamber (six as President & CEO). My 20 years of working with the highest levels of local government and business, and 25 years as a Walkerville resident, brings value to the table.
- Strategy on Homelessness, Mental Health, and Opioids: includes two pilot projects to help people experiencing homelessness – Transitional Storage Lockers and Wheels of Change (meaningful employment).
- Crime Prevention and Safety Strategies: more frontline police, lighting in crime hotspots, crime prevention.
- Traffic Calming and Safe Streets: reduce traffic accidents, keep children safe, pilot projects for school crossings and pedestrian safety.
- Neighbourhood Building: give residents a voice in the future use of WRH’s Metropolitan Campus and update by-laws making it easier for residents to beautify their neighbourhoods.
- Community Livability: waterfront, transit.
Weekly episodes of the video podcast Mondays with Matt cover each platform.
I have first-hand knowledge and experience in how City Hall works and can get things done. Together, we can solve the issues we’re faced with and leave Ward 4 in an even better place four years from now.
Mark McKenzie has been a Ward 4 resident for 40 years. After spending 17 years in broadcasting with long stints at Windsor radio stations 89X, AM800 CKLW, and AM580 CKWW, Mark has been a licensed Realtor since 2021 with Royal LePage Binder Real Estate. Mark is a proud father and husband and believes in giving back to the community that has supported him over the years. Mark has assisted in raising over a million dollars for local charities including Easter Seals Windsor-Essex where he sits on the Board of Directors and has been a host with their yearly Telethon since 2016. Mark’s priorities include:
We must create safe walkable neighbourhoods, get tough on crime, and make life more affordable for all residents. I have what it takes to find solutions, navigate the complicated governmental agencies, and get things done. www.VoteMark.ca
We’re at the beginning of a very exciting time for our city, and we have the potential to grow in unprecedented ways. It’s going to be up to the city council that we elect this fall to make decisions about how we use this potential growth. We need a broader perspective at the table, and we need to focus on the human impact of the decisions we make. There are a lot of people in our city who are struggling, and they need support. Working together we can build a city that is not only a great place to work but also an exciting and vibrant place to live. I’m here to speak up for what residents need. The foundation of my platform is Communication, Collaboration and Consultation - because unless we have everyone on board, we won’t be able to move forward effectively, no matter what the issue. We need a council that works together to make a difference in the lives of residents. That’s what builds a sustainable future for everyone.
I want to offer the children of Ward 4 a Drug Free, Needle Free, Gun Free, Knife Free and Homeless Free community to grow and thrive in. In collaboration with the 18 000 voters, Let's Restore Ward 4!
To accomplish this I will cofound 4 non-profit organizations and coordinate with volunteers that will facilitate our objectives.
This will be comprised of various volunteers within the Social Work, Crime Prevention, and Healthcare fields who will assist me with the Homeless Addicts and Psychiatric persons.
Fathers Against Drug Dealers or F. A. D. D.
We will aggressively search out the drug trafficking in our neighbourhoods and assist the Windsor Police/Narcotics Division with video surveillance drones and whatever is necessary to eliminate drug trafficking.
Adopt An Addict/Homeless Person (in progress)
We will have a profile of a specific homeless person. Go Fund Me fundraising as well as community contributions will provide them a residence.
Addicted To Life
A support/activity group will support individuals who suffer from addictions and need an outlet to live healthier and sober lives.
Additional Issues:
Affordable housing, Community centres and Solar lighting over walkways and alleys.
Ongoing counter of Homeless and Drug Dealers: www.vote4patrick.ca
As a long-serving volunteer locally leading the Walkerville BIA, on the City’s Development and Heritage Standing Committee, and with the University of Windsor, I have shown a strong commitment to building a great community. My priorities are:
- Neighbourhoods: Building great neighbourhoods with safe streets, low crime, accessible transit, good property standards, and housing that is affordable now and for the next generation.
- Local Business: Supporting local business as the heartbeat of the community, from start-up entrepreneurs to helping scale up our future big business success stories.
- Healthy Living: Promoting healthy lifestyles, from active transportation and environmental stewardship, to integrated and inviting parks and trails, and rebuilding post-covid youth programming.
- Local experiences: Expanding arts, culture and a dynamic tourism industry, both as an economic driver and also to increase our own enjoyment of the region.
- Economic stability: Diversifying our economy and welcoming long term, stable, and fulfilling careers now and for future generations.
- Building smart: Ensuring the protection and celebration of our heritage buildings, balanced with the need for modernizing infrastructure to serve our future needs.
- Youth success: Developing integrated learning opportunities for youth across our community with an eye to training and encouraging our future community leaders.
Visit my website www.JakeRondot.com to learn more about me and my vision for our city.
My platform focuses on the Green Economy and will bring Economic Growth through Diversification.
Public sector investments in infrastructure, transportation and recreation will open the door to more private investments in manufacturing, agriculture and the service sectors.
We need an Active Transportation Network that is connected to bus routes, rail corridors and shared pathways for pedestrians, cyclists and speed-controlled e-transit. Not everyone owns a vehicle and this can help address our labour shortages.
I would push to diversify our Public Transportation network to include a light commuter rail service. We continue to see developments along our railways (High School, Amazon, Tecumseh Mall Apartments, WFCU Area, Amy Croft Drive).
The Jackson Park Nursery offers an ability to grow and sell Native Fruit and Nut trees as a form of food security and species biodiversity.
I will also support our private sector by attracting new industries and by partnering on innovative ideas.
I would go after the Hemp industry. Oil and fabric production would benefit our agriculture, manufacturing and healthcare fields.
I would initiate an off-site patio framework for restaurants. It would allow restaurants to install picnic tables in our public spaces, adding amenities and increasing their revenue.
Thank you,
Giovanni Abati
Hello, my name is Alessandro Didone I am running for Windsor city council ward 5. I would like to say hello to all the citizens of this ward and wish to get their support in this upcoming election. My website is www.alexward5.ca with further information about who I am and platform. We need change but we need the right change, this is an extremely critical election for our community, and I am taking this very seriously. I am the logical candidate, I promise to be vigilante, aware and involved in all matters. As well I will keep everyone informed weekly. We cannot continue this current path; we have not had real and honest leadership in an exceptionally long time. Please consider a real change “to a better direction, a stronger direction” that is me Alessandro Didone. Real leadership you can trust. Thank you
Experience matters! Being able to pivot when unexpected pressures present themselves is critical. It takes vision and the financial flexibility to do so that’s a fact all business people know.
Over the last 19 years I have been part of the City Council Team that has achieved incredible success reshaping Windsor; bringing us to the unprecedented growth and opportunity we experience today. It was not easy to realign the Corporation. Issues that challenge us as a City are only getting more complex. It has never been more important to have a Council and Mayor with experience to continue the momentum in a balanced manner.
My voting record is public and consistent. I have not shied away from the tough votes because I am committed to making Riverside/Windsor a top choice for raising your family, starting your business, choosing to work and study while enjoying top notch services and amenities! There is still hard work to do…we have solid plans to address the issues you have identified……I’m more than prepared to do the work and contribute to the positive results needed……. EXPERIENCE MATTERS….this October Re-Elect Jo-Anne Gignac Ward 6!
My Platform is simple:
"Windsor for the people of Windsor".
I was born and raised in Windsor and I love this city. Unfortunately for the past twenty years I have witnessed this city’s decline. I have seen, a previous City Council misinform the community. I have seen an arena built on the outskirts of the city negatively impacting upon the economic development of the core. I have seen our city leaders support a regional hospital that would disadvantage a large percentage of Windsor's population, without even caring to know what that damage might be. I have seen amenities being "centralized" and made less accessible to neighbourhoods. I still see crumbling roads throughout the city and the need for crosswalks to keep our seniors and children safe, without extra fees for the very people in need of that protection. I see the proliferation of homelessness in the core and the lack of investment in the development of those things that would create a vibrant downtown.
What do I want to see? And what I am committed to?
Safety for our elders and children, walkable communities with easily accessible amenities and healthcare. Investments in a dynamic downtown core that would make every Ward 6 resident proud.
Vote Brian McCurdy Ward 6.
As a proud, lifelong resident of Ward 6, I have a passion for helping others and giving back to the community.
My personal, educational, and professional experiences over the past 25 years, both locally and abroad, have helped me shape my understanding of how cities work through the core strengths of their neighbourhoods and people like you. My involvement in local culture, sports, volunteering, and work has made me aware of the strengths and issues we face in our community.
I support:
- A collective and collaborative approach to building community
- Active living spaces, transportation, and safe neighbourhoods
- Flood mitigation, complete streets, and traffic calming
- Public consultation, transparency, and integration
- Strategic planning, design, and development
- Grassroots initiatives and youth empowerment
Feel free to learn more about my platforms and experiences online at jeremyrenaud.ca
My name is Beth St. Denis. I was born, raised and have lived my entire life in Windsor.
I grew up in Riverside and Walkerville. I currently reside in Ward 6. Professionally I have spent over 25 years in Customer Service. For the last 15 years, I have been in Management.
I have a vast knowledge of running every aspect of a business efficiently and effectively.
I spent most of the summer out in Ward 6 and other areas of Windsor to find out what are the most important issues to residents. The four main areas of concern are: Municipal Government Accountability, Fiscal Responsibility, Building A Safer Community and Parks And Recreation.
I decided to base my Municipal platform on these four issues, thanks to citizens' feedback.
I decided to run for City Council because I want Ward 6 to have a voice for those residents who feel like they are not being heard! I want Ward 6 to have an elected councillor who listens, offers practical solutions and has a profound interest in serving the people. I believe I can be
that voice for Ward 6 and Windsor.
Please check out my website to see some of my solutions to resident
concerns: https://bethforward6.com/#Solutions
Hello Neighbours!
Though I’ve been responding to individual emails and comments on social media, I wanted to take a moment to clarify my ‘platform’ as it were.
These issues are where I have a strong or vested interest in changing the way things are being done - this is not an exhaustive list of issues in our community and where I stand on them, these are just issues that are of concern to me as a resident and that I know are of concern to many of us in Riverside.
-Improved by-law enforcement for off-leash dogs
-Streetlights OR sidewalks on EVERY street (city wide, but many residents of Riverside have this complaint)
-Improve transit options (Including bike lanes) and invest in traffic calming measures
-Increase support for homeless/at risk persons
-Fight for walkable communities
-Continue to encourage better land utilization within the city as it relates to housing options (work to curb./prevent urban sprawl and blight wherever possible, create more affordable housing options)
- Preserve and reinvigorate community centres
- Support for Miracle Orchard Project (they are asking for use of the Concorde School lot located at 6700 Raymond)
-Continue planned sewer upgrades - these are working!
-Increase funding to city foresters to better care for existing city trees and expand tree planting efforts
-Support for the relocation of the St.Rose pumping station to an area that is not currently being used for a park- ideally an industrially zoned lot.
I developed my four-section platform in consultation with numerous community activists and residents, as well as organizations serving the Windsor community. “Improving Ward & City Life” discusses the importance of engaging the community in political advocacy; investing in parks, libraries, roads, crosswalks, and small businesses; major improvements to the Windsor Transit system, and creating stronger communication between City Hall and residents. “Diversity, Equity & Youth” explores the needs for diversity/equity training for social service organizations, first responders, and the City of Windsor, with training specifically addressing the needs of people of colour, disabled folks, queer and trans people, and women; as well as creating programming to encourage youth to become more politically active. The “Environment” section addresses the realities of climate change including flood mitigation; expanding our recycling, composting, and gardening programs; and reducing our city’s environmental footprint. And finally, “Social Services” discusses the need to invest in services to address addiction; mental health; and homelessness - reducing barriers and ensuring that people can get the support that they deserve. I am a strong advocate, activist, and leader - and I commit to working hard to ensure that residents’ voices are heard so that together, we can build a better community for all.
I am Jeewen Gill, your candidate for City Councillor Ward 7. I have worked hard to be a devoted community builder with a proven record of community service. I am a driven visionary with excellent leadership qualities. I have shown my passion and determination to make a real difference for families in our local community. Together we have done so much for our Ward but there is more work to be done and I am committed to being a strong and experienced voice for you!
We have delivered:
- A new Battery Plant and Hospital for Windsor through our teamwork and advocacy efforts
- A New Splash Pad, Tennis Courts, and amenities for Forest Glade Optimist Park
- New pump track for children's recreation
- Expansion of Banwell Road to four lanes
- Investments for improvements to Sandpoint Beach
Our priorities for the next four years will be:
- Improvements to Tecumseh Road, Banwell Rd & EC Row intersections
- Building safer and healthier Communities
- Job creation and economic recovery post-pandemic
- Continued investments in improving Parks and Trails and infrastructure
On October 24th, 2022, vote for someone who will continue to fight for Ward 7, Vote Jeewen Gill!
Angelo Marignani has been listening to your concerns and advocating since 2010. Angelo's vision is to build a brighter tomorrow for the people of our community, a future for our youth and security for our seniors. Angelo feels it is critical to focus on road quality and safety. Economic growth and job creation is also especially important. Attracting new businesses in opportunities to Windsor with the goal of economic growth and youth retention. Angelo plans to collaborate with the City of Detroit to create a world class international community. Angelo believes it is critical to improve our healthcare system. Angelo will do everything in his power to ensure our hospital is built ahead of schedule and improve our medical crisis after this pandemic by using community incentive programs to attract physicians and medical professionals. For more information go to Angelo’s website https://angelomarignani.wixsite.com/angelomarignani thank you and have a great day.
Transparency, integrity and accountability are the core values of my platform. Serving the residents of Ward 7 and the residents of Windsor will always be paramount. My engagement and commitment will go beyond the status quo, or expected duties.
It is my promise to you, that I will not only contribute to our community as a Councillor, I will also act as an advocate, an ally and a representative on your behalf.
Improving our city and the lives and livelihoods of our residents will come before grandiose downtown canopies or other fantastical projects. Across Windsor, the consensus is clear and the concerns are shared. Taxes, water, electricity rates, crime, homelessness, and a lack of accountability are some of the most referenced issues which are routinely ignored, year after year.
I am a witness to the effect of NAFTA on the garment industry in NA. Economies decimated as a result have never resurfaced. Together we must act swiftly, not only to serve our wards, but to serve and preserve our City.
To learn more about me, please visit sophia7.ca or https://simplebooklet.com/ward7
Our region of Windsor Essex is at a critical moment. There are numerous new and exciting infrastructure projects on the horizon that will transform our region. It is imperative that these projects develop on time. I want to advocate for these projects to be completed on a sustainable timeline with consideration to property values. Currently, our property values have not been accessed since 2016. I’m running to ensure that we have an advocate at the table who will represent the need for a hold on property values at the 2022 levels. With so many properties throughout Ward 8 recently being sold at prices exceeding $500,000 it is crucial that when property values are re-evaluated in 2024 that there is a slow increase in values as many people would not be able to sustain large increases in values without an adjustment of the mill rate. I’m an advocate who will fight to ensure that housing continues to be affordable for Ward 8, we need increased residential development at affordable costs to help families put down roots. We need to free restrictions and allow homeowners to build additional dwelling units and convert garages to living spaces if desired. I support improvements to the transit system that will foster growth in the local economy and attract more businesses.
With Thanks,
Gemma Grey-Hall
I want to thank the Windsor-Essex Regional Chamber of Commerce for the opportunity to outline my platform as the Incumbent Candidate for Windsor City Council in Ward 9. The Chamber’s on-going commitment to supporting the democratic process in our community is truly remarkable.
Ward 9 presents some unique challenges that we are working to address, particularly on the infrastructure front. It is clear, however, that more work needs to be done. Windsor’s south-east has seen significant development in recent years which has created challenges. The pace of development has been well ahead of the pace of investment in the infrastructure needed to support this level of growth.
Very recently the City and our Council have approved several investments in the Ward that are seeing us “catching up” to development. Most of the main arteries are either in active construction or are scheduled to see significant upgrades in the near term.
We need to continue to ensure that we are making appropriate investments to sustain the substantial growth that we will continue to see in Ward 9, particularly with the forthcoming Mega Hospital and the EV Battery Plant.
Along with the hard infrastructure challenges outlined here we are continuing to work toward the construction of a library and community centre in the area as well.
Citywide it is critical that we do more address the Housing and Homelessness crisis in our community. I have been and remain committed to developing real solutions that will have a direct impact on addressing those challenges to improve housing outcomes and public safety for everyone.
My name is Dan Mokrzycki, and I am running in Ward 9 for a safer, stronger community. A recent uptick in crime in the area drove my desire to run for city council in the area. Our current city council is not doing enough to keep residents safe and we must change this as a community. Families don’t feel safe, children cannot freely be at parks without knowing what could be at the parks. Traffic down the residential roads is also a major concern. Cars are racing down the roads and it’s only a matter of time before a child or adult get severely hurt or worse. Lastly, flooding has been a major issue for many years in the city. Our city council has not made enough upgrades to the system to prevent flooding. Ward 9 residents are still experiencing horrible flooding at times, where the majority of their personal items, along with their homes, suffer major damage. As city councillor, I plan on addressing all of these concerns and many more, and I look forward to your support Windsor. Thank you.
When elected to Council I will advocate for the needs and concerns of Ward 10 residents and businesses. Every effort will be made to ”get things done” on their behalf.
Ward 10 Issues that need to be addressed:
Holding the line on taxes
Advocating for “Made In Windsor” manufacturing and economic development
Infrastructure for Dominion Blvd from Northwood to Totten needs improvement
Installation of a traffic light at Dominion and Ojibway is necessary
Safety and crime trends in the Remington Park/South Howard area must be addressed
Traffic calming and safety measures needed on our streets
Completion of 2nd and 3rd phases of Lillian street North of Grand Marais
Walk and bike path on Northwood from Cleary to Daytona
Sewer system upgrading to prevent flooding
Saving the South Cameron woodlot
Connection of the Dougal pedestrian/cyclist tunnel to Northwood Street and Dominion Blvd
Dougal Death Trap-Part 2 bike path and walkway East side of Dougal Avenue needs a review.
Meet Wally Chafchak a straight shooter and proven leader. I have a proven track record to resolve issues and get the job done. I am not locked into Old political agendas nor I am tied to special interest groups.
As a long time resident of Ward 10, family man having raised two sons with my wife Roba I am a successful businessman built an insurance brokerage from scratch among many other businesses in Windsor.
I have served on the Windsor Police Services Board and contributed to a number of community organizations.
- I always return phone calls.
- Continue to be fiscally responsible and hold the line on property taxes and eliminating red tape for all locals.
- Ensure our sidewalks and Roads are repaired and safe for children and seniors.
- Fight for traffic calming measures on Dominion Boulevard, Northwood Street, LaBelle Street, and Remington Avenue and those streets where speeding is a hazardous problem making our streets safe to cross and safe biking options.
- Plan road, sewer and sidewalk work to cause as little disruption in traffic as possible.
- Focus on building Windsor into a competitive City with a diverse economy. We need to focus on quality of life and amenities , so Talent and businesses choose Windsor.
- Protect our Parks and Green Spaces.
- Listen, consult, and make decisions in strategic Partnership with residents, business and labor that raises Windsor to the next level and not get bogged down in petty politics.
• Focus on Building our community to be attractive to families, safe for seniors and great job opportunities
I am running for re-election to continue the work that has begun. There are still outstanding issues that need the attention of Council to ensure they are built and delivered on time. This includes the EV Battery Plant and the Regional Hospital. I provide steady, experienced leadership on City Council and will not let anything derail the plans.
During the past four years I brought forward an Auditor General, was a strong advocate for an Asset Management Plan to ensure our infrastructure does not deteriorate further and by spending record amounts on roads and sewers. In my Ward, I have completed many projects and next year we will do major improvements on Dominion Blvd.
These are exciting times for Windsor and with strong leadership we will have a secure future for the next generation.
I’m Alicia Higgison- current Chairperson of the GECDSB, and Trustee for Tecumseh & Lakeshore. I’ve always felt that a strong community should be the end goal of every elected official’s work. I’m running for Ward 1 Tecumseh Council to keep that work going.
We need to continue to build on key investments like our waterfront and flood mitigation, while also focusing on placemaking and amenities that make a desirable community. Safe active transportation, climate mitigation strategies, and purposeful planning are key in building strong communities. I have proven to be a strong voice for Tecumseh, keeping schools as the anchors of investment in walkable Tecumseh neighbourhoods, committing in action to the sustainable, reflective growth of our Town.
I have built partnerships at every level of government, advocating successfully for the needs of our residents. I’m running to keep that work moving forward for Tecumseh, and for Ward 1.
Tecumseh has always been a great place to grow up, and a great place to grow old. Tecumseh needs a new voice, and a new perspective around the Council table, and my public record shows that I have built the trust to advance the needs of Tecumseh. Vote HIGGISON on October 24th.
Hello Tecumseh Ward 1 Residents!
Thank you for the opportunity to be your next Councillor. This election is about you, and how we can work together to make Tecumseh an even better place to call home.
Over the past 20 years, I have demonstrated good governance, policy and been an advocate for success and forward thinking on several not for profit Board of Directors, Town of Tecumseh committees, and in Business.
I believe I am uniquely qualified to represent you through my volunteerism, and dedication to numerous organizations.
I love our Town and everything it offers. I am eager to more involved as your Councillor and to continue the path of success for all our Residents.
Please take a moment to view my website, daniel4tecumseh.ca or reach out to me directly at 519 980 0303 and email me at dhofgartner@cogeco.ca
Thank-you for your support.
Daniel Hofgartner
My name is James Dorner, I am an 8-year Veteran of the Canadian Armed Forces with a deployment to Afghanistan, a Civil Engineer, and a proud resident of Ward 2 Tecumseh. In the last few months I have had nervous conversations with people at their homes, at events at Lakewood Park, and at local businesses. I have heard many concerns regarding flooding, traffic, power outages, and zoning. Given my background as a civil engineer I can decisively approach these municipal issues and to set in motion the most practical and cost effective solution; and with my experience as a soldier I can approach these decisions with integrity and professionalism. I intend to apply fiscal spending discipline to ensure our tax rates stay low. Most importantly, I want to hear from everyone in Ward 2, my door will always be open, please reach out any time. I look forward to serving my community!
I believe I'm the right candidate for the job because I am a strong-willed person with a logical approach to problem solving, a proponent of listening to the voice of the people, a robust financial acumen and would bring new perspectives and solutions that are needed inside city council. I was endorsed by the Windsor & District Labour Council as the Ward 3 candidate earlier this month. Working as a Security Shift Supervisor at Met Campus has given me the experience to develop my leadership abilities, professionalism, accountability communication skills and conflict resolution. Affordable housing, local business support/investment, transparency, climate change mitigation, active transportation, and community involvement are the key issues in Ward 3. To learn more about my proposals to address the issues and bring meaningful change to our town, please visit www.voteilijoski.com
Alex Ilijoski
My name is Michael Strong and I’m running in the October 24th election for the office of town council in Tecumseh Ward 5. I live in Maidstone with my wife and 3 children. I currently work as an accountant at Hiram Walker. I have a BA(H) degree in economics, an MBA, and a minor in political science. I am very excited for the opportunity to represent the Olde Sandwich South community. I offer residents a vast knowledge of financial experience and practical planning skills. I plan on bringing responsible spending to the town of Tecumseh. I want taxes to be as low as possible while at the same time service levels are high. This can be done by eliminating wasteful spending and focusing on the basics. I would also like to see faster approval times for residents in need of things such as permits. I think we need less red tape in general. The needs of Ward 5 are very different than the rest of Tecumseh. I am the type of person that thinks its wrong for one of the largest capital expenditures in the towns strategic plan is to renovate town hall. I’m a new voice and a Strong vote for the future.
Hello Kingsville! I’m Laura Lucier and I want to be your next Mayor.
During my current term on Council, I have demonstrated my belief in open and transparent government, keeping taxes low, investing in infrastructure, supporting arts, culture, and small businesses, and protecting the environment.
I will continue to ensure municipal government is fair and responsive to all residents of Kingsville, from Cottam, to Ruthven, to Cedar Island, and supports our most vulnerable populations.
I think it’s important to improve customer service and communication, manage growth and development, ensure sustainable planning, leverage our waterfront, improve traffic, build our active transportation network, protect our natural and built heritage, and increase green space. We need to maintain the small-town character of the town we love while tackling complex issues like housing affordability and healthcare needs.
I share your vision of a safe, friendly community where we can afford to live, work, play, raise a family, and retire and I look forward to working with you to achieve our vision.
Together we’re better, together we’re stronger, together we’ve got this!
Thank you for your support!
Kingsville resident and business owner, Dennis Rogers, is a dedicated husband and father of three children. Having grown up in Kingsville and then moving back to the area ten years ago. Dennis received his business degree from Wayne State and ran two locations for a large hospitality company before moving back home. He is active in the community through his business, Green Heart, which he operates with his wife Haley.
Dennis has always been committed to the community whether feeding deserving kids healthy lunches and food boxes for families through his business or chairing local organizations that bring federal and provincial tax dollars into his community.
The word Leader often gets missed in politics. Leaders create culture, develop people, communicate a clear message and vision and not afraid to make the tough decisions, even if unpopular.
Planning has to be a priority from day one by Developing a detailed, time actionable, long term 5, 10 and 20 year plan. The small businesses need to be supported and thriving to ensure Kingsville’s small town identity stays intact. Continuing the momentum for increased access to health care all the while ensuring the Cottam and Ruthven communities are apart of our long term plan.
Gord Queen, seeking Re-Election to the position he has held for eight years.
Married to Lee, father to Harmony and Skyler. Proud Grandfather of Emerald and Tucker.
Experienced in the sale of retail and wholesale Auto Parts in the family Store.
Retired from Ontario Hydro Management, with experience in Office Administration and Technology.
Current Chair of Committee of The Whole. Past Chair of Parks, Migration Festival, and Fantasy of Lights.
Moving forward we must learn from the Past, Listen to the Residents, and together work to make Kingsville even better for our Grandchildren.
First Chair of Communities in Bloom Committee. Served on The local BIA and Volunteered for many festivals and events.
Future promotes the great stores, food and arts to gain more tourists and future shoppers. We might like to look at Niagara on the Lake as a sample of linking the history, beauty and Arts that we have to share.
At the County level, I have advocated for Safer Roads, Active Transportation Paths, and the Build of our New Hospital to serve the County Residents as well as the City. Our new EMS station in Kingsville is one example.
Please vote and Re-Elect Gord Queen
In my past four years as a Kingsville town councillor, I have been frustrated by the lack of information coming back to the municipality from the Essex County Council table. Two of our libraries were closed, physician recruitment appears stalled and our ambulance service is in shambles. I am running for deputy mayor to have a seat at the county table, to lobby for Kingsville with the level of transparency, accountability, open communication and responsiveness residents have come to expect from me.
Our town has experienced exponential growth in recent years. I will continue to advocate for better planning so we can direct development and ensure residents have the services and amenities they need, including a clean waterfront, thriving business centres, protection of our heritage buildings, traffic management, recreational activities for all ages and access to attainable housing. I championed the creation of a Main Street Development Review Committee and, if elected, will push for the committee’s recommendations to be implemented. I feel I have unfinished business on other issues, too, including greenhouse policy review, police services, the Union Water Supply System, ELK Energy and provincial funding for a nurse-practitioner clinic.
Kingsville is a great town and I am proud to call it home. I have raised my children here and now they are raising their children here too. I have worked at a local business for 28 years. I have volunteered at our local Legion for over 35 years, Tornado Relief Event at Colasanti's in 2010 and Heart & Stroke Foundation.
I am outgoing, unbiased, honest and for the people. It is my platform to be a voice at the table for all constituents of Kingsville and to give an objective view of the realities I know exist in the town.
Be sure to place your completed ballot in the Secrecy Envelope and seal it along with your Declaration Form and insert them both in the Return Envelope when mailing them back after making your choices. Please mail by Oct. 13th, 2022 to ensure prompt delivery or drop off at the Municipal Office. This will be necessary to make your vote count on Oct. 24, 2022.
Scott Collier Kingsville Council Candidate
I am proud husband to Jodi Brush (Bernath) and father of 5 children, 3 stepchildren and 2 grandchildren.
I believe my extensive business and community leadership background will be beneficial to our community in leading significant economic growth and development.
22 years of financial services experience as a licensed advisor, Certified Financial Planner and district Financial Centre Manager will be valuable in ensuring fiscal responsibility to our tax payers.
20 years of significant and varied retail business management will enable me to support our business community.
2.5 years as founding Publisher of Kingsville Neighbours magazine demonstrates my dedication to supporting local families, community events and promoting local business.
4000+ hours and a quarter century of extensive community and charitable volunteering and leadership shapes my core belief of Service Above Self and Servant Leadership.
I truly believe in our ability to make Kingsville an even more extraordinary community through sensible development in the best interest of our residents.
Thank you, Scott
My campaign platform involves the following:
* To initiate discussion, research and eventual action into the creation of a county non-profit Child & Family Mental Health Centre.
* Re-establishing the tourist corridor that once existed through our towns before the construction of the By-Pass.
* To encourage and support both existing and future business developments.
* Progress that is properly researched and planned.
* Protection of all our environmental assets.
* Promotion of our artistic community and the potential of our area to become the artistic nucleus of Southwestern Ontario.
* To address and review the escalating traffic concerns of our area.
* Finally, to create a monthly open forum with our residents to enable them to express their ideas and concerns.
My love for our community is what motivates me to run for Kingsville Council and I am poised to represent the residents and business owners of this amazing community with a commonsense approach. I will work towards building a community based on promoting and defending family values, faith, respect, and equality. It is time we put the past two and half years behind us, and work to bring our community closer together.
I will work to keep Kingsville beautiful with a vision for responsible growth and I am prepared to make the tough decisions for the greater good of our community.
I will look for opportunities to make Kingsville an affordable place to live, raise a family and retire while keeping taxes lower than neighboring communities. We need to make it easy and affordable for businesses to come to our community by reducing the time and cost of obtaining permits and allowing businesses to thrive.
I intend to work with and encourage our local public boards and committees to provide improved access to care for those suffering from mental illness and I will push for additional resources for individuals and families struggling with mental health and the effects of lockdowns.
My name is Sheri Lowrie. My husband Ryan and I are long term residents of Kingsville, both graduating from Kingsville Public School and Kingsville District High School. I am a mother of two children both attending KPS. I earned my bachelor’s degree in English at the University of Windsor with minors in communications and sociology.
I have worked at the University for the last 20 years. I have been a board member for the Kingsville Music Society & the Jack Miner Bird Sanctuary. I sat on the Tourism & Economic Development Committee. I am a member of Women United, I am the president of a local women’s hockey league, and I sit on a negotiating team to bargain our contract.
I want to see more recreational opportunities for our residents and visitors. I want Kingsville to be a destination locally and beyond. I believe that Kingsville needs a plan, a visual, an actual 3D model that shows where we will be in 20 years. I want to be a part of the planning of what happens with the school properties that will become vacant.
I want to do all of this with a voice of kindness and positivity.
Hi Kingsville, my name is Michael Del Ciancio and I have entered municipal politics seeking a council role for my hometown of Kingsville, Ontario.
Through a strong commitment to communication and respect, I see opportunities a-plenty for our beautiful hometown. My vision includes:
- Community and greenhouse sector working together.
- Fiscal responsibility and accountability.
- Small business support.
- Community engagement through arts & events.
- Critical thinking & creative solutions.
- Wholistic approach to achieving the greatest good for Kingsville.
As for myself, I’m a third generation farmer located in Ruthven. My most relevant experiences include growing up on a farm, graduating from University of Guelph, and Harris Institute for the Arts, operating a family small business for 20 years, martial artist achieving a black belt in two disciplines, director on the OGVG board, and member of stakeholder committees representing agriculture issues. Through my experiences, I have gained a deep understanding of sacrifice and hard work necessary to achieve tangible results. I can work and communicate with all kinds of people in a professional and social setting in order to get things done. You can read more about myself and my platform on my website www.michael4kingsville.ca
My name is Thomas Neufeld. I am a small business owner and have worked in our region's wine industry for the past 20 years. In 2008, I served on my first committee of Council. Since 2010, I regularly attended Council meetings. First elected to Council in 2014 and re-elected in 2018. I am proud to serve our community and can hit the ground running with a common sense approach. I remain focused on controlling development, keeping our taxes low and improving the quality of life we have come to enjoy here in Kingsville.
Respectfully, Thomas Neufeld
I was born in Leamington and have been happily married to my wife Ann for 45 years, we have an adult daughter Elizabeth and have lived in Kingsville for 22 years.
I recently retired from over 45 years in banking and am looking forward to putting my years of banking experience to work for the people of our municipality.
In my banking career I learned that in order to be effective I had to first and foremost, be a good listener, I had to ask good questions, and I had to gather and understand all the facts before I made a decision.
That is what I want to do for our municipality, to listen to all sides of the issues, to gather all the facts and understand the concerns of our citizens in order to be an effective councillor and make good decisions.
Going door to door these past weeks and speaking with individuals and business owners I have been pleasantly surprised and impressed with the candor of our citizens. That makes me optimistic that with your vote, together we can resolve our issues wether it’s traffic, housing, opportunities for our youth or facilities for our seniors.
25 years' experience in community settings.
8 years as an Elected Official.
Proactive. Result Driven. Community Connected
Sits on 11 area Committees/Boards.
Significant base of connections.
Built relationships with all levels of Government.
Roads & Infrastructure
We need a solution to our sewage problem end to end.
This means plants, pipes in the ground and openness to alternative solutions.
We need a solid stance on Greenhouse Operations and to protection farm lands.
This means strong regulations
Need multi-year planning aligned with multi-year budgets
This means plans longer than a council term
Fixed tax base is not enough.
This means we need Government assistance and need to go after it.
Planned Growth
We need planned growth and promotion of complete communities where residents can work, shop and access services
This means amenities first.
Stop planning in four year terms, create long-term sustainable plans. Stick to our plans.
I am keen to collaborate and create solutions and to ensure services are delivered today and into the future.
Clear vision with operational plans and capacity to see the vision through.
This means community engagement through in-person, print media and online connection
I’m Tom Bain and I'm running for reelection for mayor of Lakeshore.
Lakeshore is presently one of the leading municipalities in southwestern Ontario and I feel strongly about not only keeping us there but continuing to work, raising us to even higher levels.
My over 40 years of experience in municipal government including nine years as the warden of Essex County have given me numerous connections with Federal and Provincial levels of government. This has aided our municipality in building such fantastic facilities as the Atlas tube recreation centre.
My main goal will Continue to be keeping the taxes in Lakeshore the lowest in Windsor-Essex.
I hope to further economic growth through business attraction and business retention. As chairperson of the board of invest Windsor Essex I have been able to make connections with developers locally and throughout North America.
I want to continue our program to raise the levels of service, especially in the areas of roads, water and sewers. With our new treatment plant well under way plans are being developed enlarge lines running to the plant.
Obtaining government grants from both the federal and provincial governments is an area where I intend to focus as we look at meeting our infrastructure needs.
I will work hard to keep lakeshore a leading municipality in Southwestern Ontario
On October 24th vote Tom Bain for Mayor
Dave Monk for Deputy Mayor of Lakeshore: Inclusive, Personable, Approachable, Responsible
I raised 3 children here where I am proud to live. I was a Councillor for Lakeshore's most successful 8 years from 2010 to 2018, making things happen and I want to get back at it.
Number one is listening to ALL residents in ALL areas of Lakeshore. This is where my platform comes from and why, unlike many others, I have walked hundreds of kilometers around much of Lakeshore talking with residents and hand delivering 18,000 flyers!
My platform, your top concerns include flood, road, other infrastructure, libraries, traffic, speeding, parks, recreation, source water protection, environment, taxes and enhanced ambulance service. You have other concerns to be addressed too.
I have the knowledge, training and experience in many areas including grants, networking, flooding, roadways, equipping fire fighters, recycling, trails, recreation planning, etc. to address your concerns.
Being old enough to have the qualifications and experience while young enough to have the passion and energy, I will devote more than full time as Deputy Mayor. Together and with our NEW Council, we will move Lakeshore forward!
I Work For You
See more: www.davemonk.ca
I am currently the Councillor for Ward 5. I practiced municipal law in Essex County for over 20 years and also served as Deputy Reeve and Reeve for the former Township of Maidstone.
My campaign platform is as follows:
Long term, well managed planning is vitally important. This includes renewed and improved infrastructure hard services in all Lakeshore communities. With the recent approved expansion of the Belle River Waste Water System, council will also need to focus on the upgrading and expansion of the waste water treatment facilities in Comber and Stoney Pointe.
A strong commitment to better urban and rural roads and to strongly work for additional funding from the upper levels of government. Walking and bike paths are also important. These are partially funded through the County of Essex CWATS program. More of these paths and trails need to be provided throughout the municipality including along Lakeshore’s County Roads.
Greenhouses. A detailed plan needs to be in place as soon as possible. If the province will not permit us to prohibit greenhouses in Lakeshore, council must ensure we have every Bylaw and Policy in place to control any adverse effects including night lighting, odour, noise, etc. that they will create. Our roads, water and energy supply must also be safe guarded.
The top issues I see within Lakeshore are infrastructure, Parks and recreation as well as sustainable development. I feel there is a lack of long term planning and capital asset management within the municipality. We need to establish a system of rating the infrastructure based on age, usage, condition and cost and this should be used to move projects forward. The parks master plan has done a great job of outlining the long term planning for parks and their usage. The issue is this master plan was adopted 5 years ago, there currently is a budget deficit of $47 million and there has been no plan introduced to fill this deficit. This needs to be addressed as moving this forward, year over year only increases this cost. Lastly, long term planning is required to make sure we have the infrastructure in place to support the development prior to it being completed. In addition, we need to focus on controlled development across the municipality. This will ensure that new development is funding the capital and infrastructure improvements required to support that growth.
Video # 11 - SAVE THE SOIL - You need to see this video https://youtu.be/cDECnNc-06U
Video #9 - MOST IMPORTANT - https://youtu.be/rzRHhRuidaE
Video # 8 - Are your taxes to high? - https://youtu.be/-l6aBnbautE
Video # 7 – For PEOPLE THAT DO NOT VOTE - https://youtu.be/SvaKNQ_EEhY
Video #6 - Pannys Plan 2055 https://youtu.be/5vIT7oTa8eA
Video #5 - https://youtu.be/qKNClt_V7AI - "The hard truth"
Video #4- – https://youtu.be/Sk3YjBfjO0s - “Common sense is not common”
Video #3- https://youtu.be/FsLa5Hh28-g - The “MOVEMENT” – of the People of Lakeshore.
Video #2- https://youtu.be/Lnf5RxeWrcQ - My beliefs
Video #1- https://youtu.be/iEEH6uGxqF4 - Comparing Windsor, Tecumseh, and Lakeshore when it comes to Connectivity trails, safety and design issues.
The three major areas I want to address if elected are:
The Ward two constituents have made it clear that we need to upgrade our existing infrastructure by means of increasing our planning department resources; prioritization from our roads department to repair our thoroughfares for existing and new builds, and finally increase our water & sewage department budget.
Secondly, I would advocate for the efficient and timely maintenance of our current greenspace while we develop gradually. This can be accomplished by ensuring all greenspace is maintained with an accurate budget, while developing new greenspace in each Ward 2 quadrant.
Thirdly, I would ensure our Ward 2 streets are safer for foot traffic. If elected, I will volunteer my time to sit on the Police Services Board to liaison with our Police Services more closely for problem areas; ensure each development has an abundance of safety signs and viable enforcement and partner & support our Planning Department to enhance future design of our streets based on population in the Ward 2 quadrants.
2022-2026 : Four years of focused decision-making
I am running for re-election because I want to enjoy all that Lakeshore has and will have to offer over the next 50+ years. The decisions that we make over the next term will shape how Lakeshore is connected, served, and built. I bring municipal, business, and professional experience to the position and our residents deserve a collaborative, fresh, and focused councillor.
This next term will provide several opportunities to develop the policies, by-laws and plans needed to ensure residents, businesses, and visitors have the infrastructure and amenities they can rely on. The zoning by-law update, stormwater and shoreline management plans, parks and recreation master plan, and upcoming asset management strategy will all require strategic prioritization, funding and implementation that is respectful to the taxpayer while taking responsibility for deficits and demands.
We need infrastructure in the ground that will protect properties from future flood events, and support sustainable residential and economic development. We must ensure new communities are planned holistically and provide options for mobility, retail, recreation, and housing. And we deserve nothing less than streets that put safety and people first.
I want residents to be able to rely on the decisions and work plans we develop - with their input - so that there are no surprises in the way that we will grow together. I am at my best when empowering and working with others, and will always encourage residents to reach out and share their experiences and perspectives. Visit ksantarossa.ca for more information, and happy voting!
"I live, work and volunteer in Lakeshore, so I am connected to the community in every aspect of my life. I am hardworking and dedicated to everything I do. I feel that the addition of new council members, individuals from different backgrounds and different walks of life, would help continue the needed progress for the area.
Lakeshore has so much to offer its residents and visitors. However, there is certainly plenty of room for improvement. One area of significant importance is the development of beneficial infrastructure (small to medium-sized businesses, park/trail expansions, transportation/accessibility improvements) to support the increased population. Other areas that are not being fully addressed are flooding, water quality and shoreline concerns. I will actively listen to constituents to determine their needs and make decisions based on what is best for the community.
It’s time for real progress in Lakeshore. Time for new perspectives and new ideas. Time to get away from the status quo."
Thank you
Jennifer Alderson
The most important issues would be to put the voter's needs ahead of my own personal goals. Working closely with each individual to solve their problems in a quick and timely manner. I would be an advocate for limited, new small businesses within Ward 5 and maintaining that we are a rural, farming community.Since running in the 2018 election, I have learned that the same issues from the past election are on the minds of voters again in 2022. Improvements to remaining gravel roads, increase in biking and walking paths, improvements to main core areas in Woodslee,St Joachim and Staples. New Issues that Ward 5 and all of Lakeshore will be facing in the coming 4 years would be the Large Scale Greenhouses and the Energy Storage Project. I am opposed to the Large Scale Greenhouses as the current benefits do not outweigh the downside of such a large industry. A strong Ward 5 would be an asset to a growing municipality of Lakeshore.
Equal and fair representation throughout the Wards would be my priority to my constituents that would vote for me to be their voice for the next 4 years.
I am a proud 5th generation farmer born and raised in Woodslee. My wife and I are raising two young daughters. As a representative for Ward 5 I would bring a common sense approach with emphasis on fiscal responsibility and accountability from Council and Administration. As a Ward 5 resident we need to ensure that we're getting our fair share of tax dollars and that they're being spent responsibly. On October 24 vote for Ian Ruston Councillor Ward 5. For more information, please feel free to reach out at 519 996-2093 or email i.ruston5@gmail.com
I grew up on Belle River Road and have lived in Lakeshore for most of my life. I currently reside in Woodslee with my wife Lise. I graduated from the St. Clair College landscaping program in 1982. I have worked at Chrysler for almost 29 years.
The top issues in Ward 5 as I see them are roads, the amount/lack of green space left in its natural state, sewers, park facilities for our youth, the abandoned railway tracks running through Wards 5 and 6, LSGF(Large Scale Greenhouse Farms), the lack of reliable high speed internet, and a host of other issues. Most of the Ward 5 roads are in a terrible state of disrepair. South Middle, North Rear Road, Rochester Town Line, and King Street just to name a few. Millions are spent in the northern half of our municipality on parks and other amenities, while very little is spent in Ward 5. My aim is to make life better for the constituents of Ward 5.
As a lifelong resident of Lakeshore, I care deeply about our community and want to ensure that it remains an enjoyable, and affordable, place to live. My top priorities today include upgrading our infrastructure and maintaining a balanced (and equitably distributed) budget. Lakeshore is a large municipality with hundreds of kilometers of roads and drains to maintain, as well as other related infrastructure. Much of this infrastructure is currently in need of repair. Without upgrades, we will not see any residential or commercial growth, and to keep tax rates low, we must expand our tax base. With rising costs and inflation, the municipality will face a number of financial challenges in the coming years. We must be fiscally responsible while ensuring that funds are equitably distributed throughout the municipality. It is time to prioritize our small communities and ensure that taxpayers’ money is being spent sensibly. The future of Lakeshore must be determined by its residents. Conversation and consultation are essential so that taxpayers can be the ultimate decision makers on issues that will directly impact them. I value communication and transparency and invite ongoing feedback from the community. Contact me at larissaforward6@outlook.com or though facebook at www.facebook.com/Larissa-Vogler-for-Ward-6-Councillor
As mayor of the Town of Essex, I will work for council and the community. I stand for strong infrastructure consisting of a 5 and 10 year roads plan, a connecting, accessible active transportation network and ensuring we have capacity for growth in all areas. I will bring community well-being to the forefront with more police presence and more public consultation and support for small businesses. I believe in strong fiscal policy including debt and reserve management with transparency and accountability. I have 12 years of experience with a proven track record of hard work and accomplishments. People from all wards look to me for results and strong leadership. I want to set the bar high and create a culture at town hall of working alongside ward councillors and administration to work for the community. I am a visible, ethical, engaging and inclusive voice that brings energy and new ideas to the council chambers. My full platform is featured on bondy4mayor.com.
With 12 years previous council experience, 30+ years business relations and management experience and many years serving on municipal and charitable committees and boards I am the right choice and up to the task of being our next Deputy Mayor.
I will work closely with our newly elected Mayor and council to address the current and future issues that our community
is and will face over the next 4 years and beyond.
Along with our own resources and upper tier government lobbying and partnering we will find and develop the means to address such issues as Residential Affordability and Homelessness, Regional Transit and Business Development.
New development, the key to maintaining and enhancing our current and future infrastructure, must be pursued with minimal disruption to the daily lives of all of us who already call Essex home.
Our County (regional) Council will experience significant change as a result of this election with many new faces and fresh ideas. I want to be part of those fresh ideas along with our new Mayor to benefit our municipal and regional prosperity.
We need to maintain standards but expedite the processes that bring change. Decisions must be made in the context of each situation and merit. One size does not fit all and "common sense" solutions are essential.
As Deputy Mayor I will be Fair and Equal in my representation and strive for the prosperity and leadership our town deserves.
On Monday October 24th elect Ron Rogers Essex Deputy Mayor. Let the Solutions begin.
My name is Rob SHEPLEY and I am running for DEPUTY MAYOR of Essex.
I am a candidate that has lived in Colchester at one time, but I now live and own a business called Ice Cool Treats in Essex Centre.
I am a team leader who will represent all Essex residents on Town Council as well as County Council.
I believe in working together on all levels, so Essex can strive to achieve responsible development and growth in our residential, commercial, and industrial sectors. Keeping taxes low by ensuring efficiency & accountability, review of our policing services, and reviewing and accelerating our road infrastructure are just a few key items that have come to my attention while preparing to run.
I have created a working relationship with our local Member of Parliament and our new Member of Provincial Parliament as we will depend on those upper levels to partner with Essex.
Some stated they would like change and to see some new faces on Essex Town Council and I am the one that matches that criteria.
I will fairly represent our entire town and be your voice. More information can be found at www.robshepley.com
I’m a life-long resident of Essex Centre who has always given back to the community in the way of volunteering and serving on boards and committees.
I embrace change, am a forward thinker and am not afraid to ask hard questions of administration or my council colleagues.
I have a vision of Essex Centre. It's beautiful. I know we are the community everyone is now talking about. It’s a great place to live and raise a family, and I don’t let anyone try to tell me otherwise.
This last term of council, collectively, we have made many positive gains. But we can't rest on our laurels. We need a council that’s focused only on the business at hand, nothing more. There is no room on council for anymore nonsense.
I am challenging myself and the next term of council to:
- Work together more as a team and less as individuals
- Ensure greater accountability and transparency across the board
- Ensure greater communication across the board, thus keeping our community more in the know
- Restore and improve the current state of our infrastructure
- Advocate for better police service
- Continue our growth in a responsible manner
Having been through more than one recession in my lifetime, I am familiar with the effects a slowing economy can have on small communities like Harrow. Particularly its effects on local businesses, especially new ones, as people begin to tighten their purse strings in order to provide for their families.
As a Councilor it will be my responsibility to urge Council and Administration to prepare for our recovery.
This means planning for continued Community Growth. Better utilization of over priced properties and reassessing our infrastructure to sustain it.
To properly manage area Farmlands as current Developments capitalize on the thriving, yet fragile, Tourists Industry.
My family and I have lived in LaSalle for 26 years we know how safe this town is. But there are still dangers attacking our youth. When elected I will push for the reinvestment of financial resources so that we can prioritize taking care of our youths’ mental health, fostering them to become the best persons they can be. we should focus on as we need to preserve LaSalle’s beautiful nature and wildlife. Currently, LaSalle only has two conservation areas (LaSalle Conservation Lands and Petite Cote Conservation Area) but it is still not enough. Once elected as a councilor I will advocate heavily for LaSalle woods to be recognized as a conservation area. These goals overlap with the goals of both the federal and provincial governments, so I will be working with these counterparts in our town’s municipality to ensure to protect our community while still being able to bring new and exciting opportunities for residents, entrepreneurs, workers, and our town.
Terry Burns for LaSalle Town Council: Experience, Commitment, Integrity.
My Commitment to you is ensuring that the level of taxation remains competitive and the use of tax money is used effectively and efficiently.
Open and transparent government: always keeping ratepayers informed of Town activities and initiatives while promoting an open door policy. Sound financial planning, short and long-term: to address future infrastructure needs and community services without undue tax burden. Active representation for residents and local business: minimizing taxes, maximizing community services, supporting local businesses and creating new opportunities.
Moving LaSalle Forward and Taxpayers First.
My name is Mark Carrick.
I'm seeking re-election for the position of councillor. I have 18 years council experience. I will continue to work hard to ensure the Town of LaSalle's
Interests are addressed at the county level. I will ensure services, infrastructure, sidewalks, streetlights, trails and tree planting are kept up to resident's expectations for a safe and healthy LaSalle. I will always keep the Town's fiscal responsibility in mind at all times.
I will be committed to fiscal responsibility at every budget session, watching out for the best interests of the town and its rate payers.
"My promise to you and my passion for our community has not changed"
I am seeking re-election in LaSalle as a Councillor with 16 years experience. My community contribution is based on fundamental principles which include, among other things, respect, reflection, active listening, flexibility and an ability to see the whole picture. I believe that with increasing housing prices, we need to keep our tax increases to a manageable level while still maintaining the excellent services our community expects. Looking to continue our Waterfront project in a timely, affordable manner to make a destination for all to enjoy. Road improvements along the Malden corridor to move traffic in a safer, more efficient manner need to be done in the prescribed time period, working with County. We need to keep our infrastructure in top shape for today and tomorrow growth - the future of the community depends on it. I believe that Community Policing is important to maintain LaSalle as a safe place to live, work, play. I have an excellent attendance record. I am available to residents to discuss concerns and work toward solutions.
In the 8 years that I have lived here I have been working to assist the residents of the Front Road area and I have the desire to expand this commitment. I see the needs and have met the challenges. Allow me to continue this for the town and the residents.
- Born and raised in Toronto, relocated to Windsor in 2005 and LaSalle in 2014.
- Husband and a father of three young children.
- Recently retired from Canada Post with a further background in management, training and IT services.
- Co-Founded the ‘LaSalle Hangout for Youth’ in 2015, a charity assisting the youth, their families and the community. Seven years continued volunteering to manage and fulfill the commitments of the charity.
Campaign concerns.
- Front Road / Riverside improvements. Continue and expand on this to revitalize the area.
- Mental Health Services. More availability and access for the residents.
- Property Tax concerns. Make it more manageable for the town residents.
- Traffic congestion on Malden Road and the intersection of Sprucewood and Matchette.
- Residential over-development of the town center.
- Transparency of town plans and finances.
Brian Kovacsi
Candidate for LaSalle Town Council
‘In Service for the Community’
My plans, as a LaSalle Town Council Candidate, are a comprehensive and effective approach.
You can find my detailed platform and further information on my Facebook page David Lucier.
Throughout my term, I will consciously base my decisions on the ABC’s
A- Awareness of post pandemic ECONOMIC RECOVERY
B- Bringing your voice to the table with a focus to DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION
I believe my years of experience as an elected representative fighting for and protecting the rights of frontline education workers, as well as holding an elected position representing them as part of a collective bargaining committee will serve me well as a town councilor.
With the ABC’s, open and honest communication, my desire to serve the community, and as the only candidate endorsed by the Windsor and District Labour Council, I humbly ask for your support.
LaSalle currently has the 2nd highest rate of capital debt in Windsor/Essex County at $1,170 per resident. This is multi-generational debt that isn’t scheduled to be repaid until 2049. Capital debt should be used as a last resort for must-haves, not nice-to-haves. LaSalle needs to replace its current “if you build it they will come” mentality with a “growth pays for growth” strategy, dial back spending, and put a halt to megaprojects. … Through its board members, the town must also hold Essex Power accountable for providing faster responses to frequent power outages, and better communication during power outages. This would include working with Hydro One and other local utilities to form a shared rapid response team to eliminate turf wars when outages are due to a loss of supply from Hydro One. … I am a computer systems analyst and project manager with over 35 years experience in the automotive industry. I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, and an MBA. I have a long history of volunteer work in Windsor/Essex County, and have 14 years experience serving on 2 different LaSalle planning-related committees. I will bring a unique blend of education and professional experience to LaSalle Town Council.
I am seeking reelection for LaSalle Town Council.
My platform consists of the following but not limited too..
Continue to develop Front Rd and thr waterfront district
Maintain and improve public services such as safer roads, more sidewalks
More community events in our town
Maintain LaSalle ranking as one of the safest communities in Canada
Attract more businesses throughout LaSalle
Balance fiscal responsibility with expenditures
I am very involved in the Community and on a number of committees and charities on our Community such as Transition To Betterness, Canadian Mental Health Association, Corporate Challenge to name a few.
I would like to say, LaSalle is an amazing Town with so much to offer. In my campaigning I have heard quite a few things, and issues that are "hot topics" to many, but one that sticks with me and is a reason why I decided to run in the first place is lack of trust and transparency with council. I have said from day one that I will not promise the world in hopes to win votes. The only promise I will make is that I will listen to every concern, bring it to council, and keep everyone in the loop on where it stands. I want to be completely transparent and work for the people as that is how every council person should be. I hope to be YOUR voice in the coming weeks.
Brad Krewench, CD
Candidate for Lasalle Town Councillor
Please Note: We have chosen not to host statements or do debates for Amherstburg and Leamington as they have their own Chambers and are doing their own events and election outreach.
Only candidates who have submitted a statement appear, this is not a full list of candidates. This page will be updated regularly with additional candidate statements as we receive them.