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Business Confidence Hits Record Low, Chamber Report

“Ontario business confidence has dropped to a record low in 2023. Labour shortages, inflation, health care system vulnerabilities, and forecasts of an economic contraction are dampening confidence in the province’s economic outlook,” said Rocco Rossi, President and CEO, OCC. “Only 16 percent of organizations surveyed have confidence in the economy. This is down 29 percent from last year. Promisingly, most businesses feel confident they can withstand these headwinds and continue to grow in the year ahead.”

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Economic Growth Strategy Critical as Ontario Faces Uncertain Times

Against the backdrop of rising interest rates, inflation, constrained supply chains, labour shortages and fears of a recession, it is critical for governments to focus on creating the right conditions to support competitiveness, productivity, and long-term economic growth. The Ontario Chamber of Commerce (OCC) has identified critical areas that must inform Ontario’s growth strategy outlined in today’s release: Supporting Economic Growth in Uncertain Times.

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Ontario’s Tourism Industry Needs Comprehensive Growth Strategy

While domestic and inbound tourism improved in the latter half of 2022, the industry is not expected to fully recover from the pandemic until 2025 – a situation that looks grimmer as a recession approaches, cost of living goes up, and consumer spending behaviour shifts. Ontario’s tourism sector is calling for a comprehensive strategy to address ongoing impacts of COVID-19 border closures, capacity restrictions, and structural issues.

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Windsor-Essex Regional Chamber of Commerce Partners with Downtown Windsor Business Improvement Association

The Windsor-Essex Regional Chamber of Commerce is thrilled to announce a new partnership with the Downtown Windsor Business Improvement Association (DWBIA). These two organizations represent thousands of local businesses and are working together with the goal of providing even more savings and benefits to their respective members.

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Truth and Reconciliation Requires Action and Partnership

“Today, several community-based organizations are hosting events, conversations, and days of action to commemorate residential ‘school’ Survivors and honour their stories throughout the province. We encourage business owners in Windsor-Essex to take part in these important learning opportunities and reflect on the local and national history that continues to shape the experiences of Indigenous Peoples across Canada,” said Windsor Regional Chamber of Commerce CEO Rakesh Naidu.

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Cross Border Chambers Welcome End of ArriveCAN and other Border Measures

The Windsor-Essex Regional Chamber of Commerce is delighted with the Government of Canada’s decision to end the mandatory use of the ArriveCAN app and other border restrictions. The Detroit Regional Chamber joined it’s Canadian counterparts in applauding the Canadian government’s decision.

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Windsor-Essex Chamber Successful at Ontario AGM: Support for Trucking Industry & Outstanding Advocacy Award

The Windsor-Essex Chamber of Commerce saw great success and recognition at the Ontario Chamber of Commerce (OCC) Annual General Meeting (AGM), in Brampton, ON from April 28 – May 1.  Members of the local Chamber were in attendance to participate in policy and advocacy sessions with their peers from across the province. 

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Chamber Report: Better Budgets, Bolstering the Fiscal Resilience of Ontario’s Municipalities

The Windsor-Essex Regional Chamber of Commerce and the Ontario Chamber of Commerce (OCC) released its latest report, Better Budgets: Bolstering the Fiscal Resilience of Ontario’s Municipalities. This policy brief identifies 14 recommendations for both the Province and municipalities which can bring immediate and long-term relief to communities across Ontario.

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